Der gute Bulle – Nur Tote reden nicht
Der gute Bulle – Nur Tote reden nicht
At the airport, customs provide a so-called mule with over a kilo of cocaine in her body. When the chief inspectors Fredo and Milan want to bring the Colombian to the police station, ...

Narcissus and Goldmund
Narcissus and Goldmund
In the dark middle ages young unruly Goldmund is sent to a monastery by his father to atone for the sins of his mother, who abandoned them. It is there that he meets Narcissus, a ...

New Queer Visions: Parental Guidance
New Queer Visions: Parental Guidance
As any mother or father will tell you, when it comes to parenting, there's no right way to do it! Discover the highs and lows of being a queer kid in a straight family and vice versa in ...

Zero – Sie wissen, was Du tust
Zero – Sie wissen, was Du tust
Berlin in the near future: A secret meeting takes place between a board member of the dominant internet company "Freemee" and members of the government. Camera drones film it ...

In a Land That No Longer Exists
In a Land That No Longer Exists
It's 1989 in East Berlin: Suzie is kicked out of school shortly before she graduates from high school and has to defend herself as a worker in the cable factory. However, a randomly ...